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by François Joseph Heim
Portrait de Victor Hugo (1802-1885), écrivain 1835
Defeat of the Cimbri and the Teutons by Marius 1853
Vicomte Sosthène de la Rochefoucauld 1837
Le Cardinal de Richelieu reçoit les premiers Académiciens... 1833
Vesuvius receives from Jupiter the fire that must consume... 1826
The Genius of France animates the Arts, protects Humanity 1827
Allegory of Music, Arts and Science 1765
A Chemist in His Laboratory 1734
Céphale et l'Aurore 1764
The Law Descends to the Earth 1827
Minerve éclairant les génies des arts et des sciences 1800
Joseph the Carpenter 1645
Napoleon on His Imperial Throne (Napoléon Ier sur le trôn... 1806