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by Francisco de Goya
El Conjuro (The Spell) 1798
Hannibal the Conqueror viewing Italy for the first time f... 1771
The Crockery Vendor 1779
Dead Birds 1808
Apparition of the Child Jesus to Saint Anthony of Padua ?
The Ecstasy of Saint Anthony Abbot 1771
Saint Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ 1640
The arrest of Christ 1798
Friar Pedro Clubs El Maragato with the Butt of the Gun 1806
Apparition of the Virgin of Pilar to Santiago and his dis... 1768
Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo (1785/86–1841), the Architect 1820
The Seesaw
Untitled 1769
Saint Bonaventure and Saint Thomas Aquinas in Front of th... 1629