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by Egbert van der Poel
Burning House 1650
Strandgezicht 1645
Devant la ferme.
contadini che fuggono da un pagliaio incendiato 1655
The explosion of the powder magazine in Delft, 12 October... 1654
The Explosion of the Powder Magazine in Delft, 1654 1654
Delft after the Explosion of October 12th, 1654 1655
Celebration by Torchlight on the Oude Delft 1654
The explosion of the powder magazine in Delft 1654
The Explosion of the Gunpowder Store in Delft, 12 October... 1654
A View of Delft after the Explosion of 1654
The Pancake Maker 1654
Portal of a stairway tower, with a man descending the sta... 1650