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by Jan van der Heyden
The Castle of Goudestein on the Vecht 1670
The Grounds of a Baroque Palace 1670
A View in Cologne with the Karthausekirche and St. Pantha...
View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amste... 1670
The Rhine at Emmerich with St. Martin's Church 1700
The Black Pig Inn at Maarssen
The church of St. Severin in Cologne in a fantasy setting 1666
The New Town Hall in Amsterdam 1668
Houses on the Herengracht, Amsterdam 1670
Emmerich: View through a Gateway of the Waterpoort 1670
Square in Xanten, with the Church of St. Victor beyond 1700
Architectural Fantasy, with the Old Town Hall, Amsterdam 1670
The Huis ten Bosch at The Hague and Its Formal Garden (Vi... 1668
The Oude Delft Canal and the Oude Kerk, Delft 1675