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by Alexandre-François Desportes
Dogs, Dead Game and Fruit 1715
Jagdstilleben mit Rebhuhn vor Steinnische
Combat d'animaux 1739
Sphère, mappemonde, livres, vase, instruments de musique 1750
Trois singes voleurs de fruits 1645
A Table of Desserts 1640
Still-Life with Tuft of Marine Plants, Shells and Corals 1769
Still-Life with Jar of Olives 1760
Still-life with Peeled Lemon 1655
Still-Life with a Basket of Flowers 1814
Self-portrait in Hunting Dress 1699
Nature morte de fruits et de raisins dans un paysage 1728
Still-Life with Grapes and Figs
Still-Life with Grapes and Apples
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