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by nieznany malarz polski
Portrait of Wincentz Potocki (d. 1825), crown chamberlain 1850
Portrait of Izabela Ogińska née Radziwiłł (1711–1761) 1742
Portrait of king Stanisław August in armour 1764
Portrait of Joachim Karol Potocki (before 1728–1791) 1782
Portrait of Wojciech (Albert) I Radziwiłł (1476–1519), bi... 1750
Portrait of Jan Ansgary Czapski (?–1742), great treasurer... 1740
Portrait of Teodor Siemieński (d. 1794), prelate and cano... 1775
Portrait of Szymanowski, lieutenant of the Płock cavalry... 1831
Lower section of the portrait of Stephen Báthory (1533–15... 1756
View of the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas in Vilnius 1864
Portrait of Leopold Méyet (1850–1912) in the uniform of t... 1863
View from the Castle Square towards Krakowskie Przedmieśc... 1838
Portrait of Augustus II the Strong (1670–1733) 1756
The War and Us 1917