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by David Scougall
Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll, 1598 - 1661.... 1661
George Gillespie 1650
Sir Archibald Primrose, Lord Carrington, 1616 - 1679. Sco... 1676
Sir Peter Halkett Wedderburn, 1st Bart of Pitfirrane and... 1746
Henry Home, Lord Kames, 1696 - 1782. Scottish judge and a... 1794
Sir Francis Grant, Lord Cullen, 1658 - 1726. Judge 1720
Sir Roger Hog, Lord Harcarse, 1635 - 1700. Judge
Sir Walter Pringle, Lord Newhall, c 1664 - 1736. Scottish...
Sir John Archibald Murray, Lord Murray, 1779 - 1859. Judg... 1856
Sir Archibald Napier, 1st Lord Napier, 1576 - 1645. Extra... 1637
Alexander Wedderburn, 1st Earl of Rosslyn, 1733 - 1805. L...
Hew Dalrymple, Lord Drummore, 1690 - 1755. Scottish judge 1754