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by George Catlin
Butte de Mort, Sioux Burial Ground, Upper Missouri 1838
Tcha-dés-sa-ko-máh-pee, Bear's Child 1832
Crow Lodge of Twenty-five Buffalo Skins 1832
Náw-káw, Wood, Former Chief of the Tribe 1828
Né-hee-ó-ee-wóo-tis, Wolf on the Hill, Chief of the Tribe
Cháh-ee-chópes, Four Wolves, a Chief in Mourning 1832
Ha-wón-je-tah, One Horn, Head Chief of the Miniconjou Tri...
Kee-o-kúk, The Watchful Fox, Chief of the Tribe
Bread, Chief of the Tribe
Máh-to-tóh-pa, Four Bears, Second Chief, in Full Dress 1832
Wah-ro-née-sah, The Surrounder, Chief of the Tribe
Coo-coo-coo, The Owl, an Aged Chief 1836
Kee-o-kúk, The Watchful Fox, Chief of the Tribe, on Horse...
Tís-se-wóo-na-tís, She Who Bathes Her Knees, Wife of the... 1832