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by Adriaan de Lelie
Portrait of Albertus Henricus Wiese, Governor-General of... 1807
Johanna Engelina Brügelman (1757-1829) 1800
Family Portrait of Jonkheer Gysbert Carel Rutger Reinier... 1804
Portret van Maria Theresia Morria 1792
Portrait of the Poet Barend Klijn Barendsz 1813
The Sculpture Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society 1807
The Drawing Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society 1801
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse 1806
Gesina Brok (1774-1848) 1806
David le Jolle (1757-1823) 1800
Portrait of Pieter Gerardus van Overstraten, Governor-Gen... 1811
Portrait of the Family of Adriaan Bonebakker with Dirk L.... 1809