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by Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi
Madonna col Bambino e i santi Giovanni Battista e Caterin...
Madonna col Bambino tra san Girolamo e santa Caterina
Maria mit dem Kind, dem Heilige Benedikt und der Heilige... 1495
Vierge à l'Enfant
Claudia Quinta
Madonna and Child with Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Sigi...
Young Lady Wearing a Mantilla and Basquina 1805
Lady with a Dog 1891
Ritratto di Andrea de' Franceschi a Mezzo Busto 1532
Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Mary... 1495
Portrait of a Lady
The Annunciation 1470
The Virgin Annunciate
Virgin and Child with St Bernardino and St Catherine of S... 1495