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by Jakob Seisenegger
Erzherzog Ferdinand von Tirol (1529-1595) 1548
Kaiser Maximilian II. (1527-1576) mit seinen Brüdern Ferd... 1539
Erzherzogin Magdalena (1532-1590), Brustbild 1550
Bildnis einer Dame (?) 1536
Holy Family with Mary Magdalene and donor from the House... 1540
Portrait of Polyxena von Pernstein 1585
Portrait of Princess Maria Casimira Sobieska (1695-1723)... 1698
Ia Orana Maria 1891
The Clothed Maja 1800
Christ and His Mother Studying the Scriptures
The Milkmaid of Bordeaux 1827
The time in the Atelier of Madame Vincent 1808
Adoration of the Shepherds with the Saints Nazario and Ce... 1540
Portrait Group of the Drummond Family, Peter Auriol Drumm... 1776