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by Bartholomeus van der Helst
Portrait of Wilhelm Vincent van Wyttenhorst 1644
Portrait of Sophia Coymans 1661
Self-portrait 1667
Portrait of an Ensign 1660
Family Portrait of Jochem van Aras with His Wife and Daug... 1654
Portrait of the Reepmaker Family 1669
Officers and other members of the militia of district VII... 1639
Fantasy Interior with Jan Steen and the Family of Gerrit...
Portrait of a woman as Venus with Paris' apple 1664
Family portrait of Rijcklof van Goens and Jacomine Bartol... 1656
Moses Showing the Tablets of the Law to the Israelites, w... 1575
Four directors of the arquebusier's guild, Amsterdam, 165... 1655
Portrait of a Girl with a Bread-bun and a Dog 1658
Portrait of a Woman and Child 1644