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by Giovanni Boldini
Guitar Player 1872
Portrait of Mrs. Graham Fair Vanderbilt (née Virginia Gra... 1905
Church interior with a view of the organ 1911
Highway of Combs-la-Ville 1873
Alice Regnault à cheval 1878
Portrait of Giuseppe Verdi 1886
Self-portrait by Louis Gauffier with his wife and his two... 1793
Portrait de Mlle Lantelme 1907
Portrait of Matilde Juva Branca 1851
Portrait of the Surgeon Gian Giacomo Bonamigo with His So... 1544
La cugina Argia 1861
A series of violent bursts of the Libeccio a south-west w... 1880
Portrait of the mother (Boccioni) 1910
The woman with pompoms 1879