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by Barthel Bruyn the Elder
Portrait of a Woman 1533
Kreuzigungsaltar: Hl. Bischof (Lambertus von Lüttich?) mi...
Johannes-Altar(?): Sibylla von Aich, geb. Reidt, mit vier... 1520
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, Saint Gereon, and a Don... 1520
Portrait of a Man and His Three Sons 1540
Portrait d'homme tenant un œillet et un gant 1540
Portrait of a Man, traditionally said to be Roger, Count... 1528
Johann von Aich (1510–1549) 1540
Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony 1532
The Three Graces 1535
Philipp von Gail 1536
Adoration of the Magi 1525
Katharina von Gail 1536
Margarethe von Aich (1517–1570) 1540
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