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by Domingo Ram
Panel with the Birth of St. John the Baptist from Retable 1450
Panel with The Crucifixion from Retable 1450
Panel from Saint John Retable 1500
The Visitation Panel from Saint John Retable 1450
Panel of Saint John the Baptist with Scenes from His Life 1500
Panel with Saint John the Baptist Enthroned from Retable 1450
Predella panel with Saint Martial, Saint Sebastian, and S... 1500
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Scenes from the Life of t... 1500
Predella pane with Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and... 1499
Madonna Adoring the Child with the Infant Saint John the... 1490
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist... 1500
The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of the Baptist 1330