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by Marie-Éléonore Godefroid
Ben Mahi ed-Din Abd-el-Kader
Portrait of the children of Pierre-Jean David d'Angers 1842
Marie-Julie, reine d'Espagne et ses deux filles Zénaïde e...
Portrait of François Gérard
Scheherazade and Shahryar 1842
The Battle of Meanee, 17 February 1843 1847
The sons of Marshal Ney 1810
Jacques-Alexandre-Bernard Law, marquis de Lauriston, maré... 1824
The Great Comet of 1843 1843
Untitled 1843
Daylight View over Table Bay Showing the Great Comet of 1... 1843
The seizure of Abd-el-Kader's camp in 1843 1844