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by Jean-Léon Gérôme
Woman's head with ram horns 1853
L'Eminence Grise 1873
Le Forum, la nuit 1842
Tanagra Workshop 1893
Napoleon in Egypt 1863
Bonaparte arriving in France back from Egypt on 9 October... 1843
Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (Bonaparte devant le Sphinx) 1868
Pool in a Harem 1876
Réception des ambassadeurs siamois par l'Empereur Napoléo... 1864
The Artist and His Model 1894
Marie-Louise, Empress of the French, and the Roi de Rome 1813
Provost and Municipal Magistrates of Paris Discussing the... 1689
Entry of the French army in Munich
Ali Ben Bahmed and his escort in front of Constantine 1854