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by Antoine Vollon
La route de Bourg-la-Reine à Fontenay-aux-Roses 1874
Calice, vidrecome, livres liturgiques et cahiers de musiq...
Still Life with a Monkey and a Guitar (Art and Gluttony) 1864
Sitting Room 1870
Fruit and a Wineglass
Water Meadows and Cattle
Larkspur, Peonies, and Canterbury Bells 1926
Woman with a Parasol and Small Child on a Sunlit Hillside 1876
The Greeks and the Trojans Fighting over the Body of Patr...
Still Life with Azaleas and Apple Blossoms 1878
Barnyard Fowl and Peacocks
The Sphinx and the Chimaera 1921
Haymaker and Sleeping Girl