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by George Romney
Jemima Yorke, Mrs Reginald Pole-Carew (1763–1804) 1784
Anne, Countess of Albemarle, and Her Son 1779
Brigadier-General Lawrence Nilson (1734-1811) 1791
Porträt der Dorothy Cavendish (1750-1794) 1772
Mary Bold, Mrs Thomas III Hunt (1740 - 1824) 1765
Anna Maria Hunt, the Hon. Mrs Charles Bagenal-Agar (c.177... 1792
Mrs. Thomas Scott Jackson 1770
Called Lady Mary Bruce, Duchess of Richmond (1740 -1796),...
The Hon. Rebecca Clive, Mrs John Robinson (1760-1795)
Sarah Ley, Mrs Richard Tickell (1770-1811)
Frances Woodley, Mrs Henry Bankes the younger (1760-1823) 1780
Thomas Noel-Hill, 2nd Baron Berwick of Attingham, FSA (17... 1793
Lydia Henrietta Malortie, Mrs Henry Hoare (1754 - 1816) 1782
Mary Bootle, Mrs Wilbraham Bootle (died 1813) 1781