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by Augustus Vincent Tack
Elihu Root 1922
Rising Wind and Tide 1905
Rosa Mystica 1923
John Jay (1745-1829)
Mrs. Jacob Wendell (Mary Barrett, 1832–1912) 1888
James Hewitt 1790
David Gelston (1744–1828) 1812
Sunset on the Coast (Seashore) 1861
The Rapalje Children 1768
Chancellor Robert R. Livingston (1746–1813) 1804
Mrs. William Gracie (Elizabeth Stoughton Wolcott, 1795–18... 1817
Theodosia Burr (Mrs. Joseph Alston, 1783-1813) 1817
Pulpit Rock, Nahant (Nahant Rock and Seashore) 1859