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by Clarence Carter
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Shipping and Construction (mural study, Huntington Park,... 1936
Ore Handling Machinery (mural study, Canton, Ohio Post Of... 1936
Good News and Bad (mural study, Flora, Illinois Post Offi... 1936
Van Ausdals Trading Post (mural study, Eaton, Ohio Post O... 1939
Stockade Builders and Moving Westward (mural study, Red C... 1939
Cotton Growing, Manufacture and Export (mural study, Dard... 1938
Country Fair and Trading, Court House Square (mural study... 1942
The Discovery, Use and Conservation of Natural Resources... 1938
Suburban Post in Winter (mural study, Freeport New York P... 1936
A Skirmish between British and Colonists near Somerville... 1938