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by Charles Furneaux
Eruption of Mauna Loa, November 5, 1889, as seen from Kaw...
Waikiki with a view of Diamond Head 1885
John Hall’s grass house on the bank of ravine showing fla... 1881
Landscape Study, Melrose, Massachusetts
Hilo 1880
First Steps, after Millet 1890
Canoe on the Epte (En canot sur l'Epte ou Canoé sur l'Ept... 1890
Winter Coast 1890
On the Cliff at Pourville Clear Weather 1882
The Child's Caress 1890
Gas 1940
Sunset on the Passaic 1891
The 'Mirror' on the River Loue at Scey-en-Varais, near Or...
Four Ballerinas on Stage 1890