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by Paul Cézanne
Portrait of Emile Zola 1862
Cistern in the Park of Château Noir 1900
Les pots de fleurs 1885
Portrait de l'artiste à la casquette (Self-Portrait in a... 1875
A Table Corner (Un coin de table) 1895
Plate with Fruit and Pot of Preserves (Assiette avec frui... 1880
Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants 1894
Still Life with Ginger Jar Sugar Bowl and Oranges 1902
The Large Pear (La Grosse poire) 1896
Still Life with Skull (Nature morte au crâne)
Terracotta Pots and Flowers (Pots en terre cuite et fleur... 1891
Bottle and Fruits (Bouteille et fruits) 1890
Pot de primevères et fruits 1888
Fruit on a Table (Fruits sur la table) 1891