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by Francisco de Goya
Hannibal the Conqueror viewing Italy for the first time f... 1771
El Conjuro (The Spell) 1798
The Crockery Vendor 1779
Dead Birds 1808
Friar Pedro Shoots El Maragato as His Horse Runs Off 1806
Friar Pedro Clubs El Maragato with the Butt of the Gun 1806
Friar Pedro Offers Shoes to El Maragato and Prepares to P... 1806
Friar Pedro Wrests the Gun from El Maragato 1806
Friar Pedro Binds El Maragato with a Rope 1806
Boy on a Ram 1786
Self-portrait with Dr Arrieta 1820
Portrait of General José Manuel Romero 1810
Winter Scene 1786
The Hanged Monk 1810