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by Giovanni Battista Moroni
Bildnis einer Dame mit Schoßhündchen und Fächer 1545
Portrait of a Man 1561
Portrait of Giovanni Bressani (1490 - 1560) 1562
Portait of Francesco Titio 1561
Madonna con Gesù Bambino in gloria, i quattro dottori del... 1550
The Coronation of the Virgin 1754
The Virgin and Child Seated in Clouds
The Flight into Egypt 1768
Coronation of the Virgin, Maria in Sole 1520
Madonna and Child with Four Saints and Donor 1507
Coronation of the Virgin (triptych) 1390
The Assumption of the Virgin 1745
The Madonna of Carmel and the Souls of the Purgatory 1724
The Coronation of the Virgin 1642