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by Edward Linley Sambourne
Credo Experto - Cartoon for "Punch" (28 November 1896) -... 1896
W.E. Gladstone Looking at a Portrait of Disraeli, Lord Be... 1881
David Hadden, the Ground Officer - illustration for "John...
William Alexander - Illustration For "Johnny Gibb Of Gush...
James V And The Miller Of Cramond Brig by Sir David Wilki...
The Vision Of Sir Galahad And His Company - Sketch For "R...
Title Page "The Baronial And Ecclesiastical Antiquities O...
Geordie Webster - Illustration to "Johnny Gibb of Gushetn... 1877
Design for the Gravestone of Max Eberstadt - Sir Edward C...
Bologna and Viterbo, leaf from 'A Collection of Dresses b... 1776
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