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CONDUIRE LES DAUPHINS ET LES PLONGEURS VERS UN MONDE SOUS-MARIN DE PAIX ET DE LIBERTE - Leading dolphins and people to a peaceful underwater world, a tribute to 9/11 victims  2002

by Pascal Lecocq

CONDUIRE LES DAUPHINS ET LES PLONGEURS VERS UN MONDE SOUS-MARIN DE PAIX ET DE LIBERTE - Leading dolphins and people to a peaceful underwater world, a tribute to 9/11 victims - Watercolors on paper by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 16”x24”, lec609a, 2002. Private collection, Chicago, IL. ©pascal lecocq [br]#9-11 #art #blue #painterofblue #painting #painter #artist ...
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