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COMMENT LES TACHES VINRENT AUX RAIES - How the blue-spotted stingrays got their spots - by Pascal  2002

by Pascal Lecocq

COMMENT LES TACHES VINRENT AUX RAIES - How the blue-spotted stingrays got their spots - oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 20”x16” 51x41cm, 2002, lec611, priv.coll. Ferney-Voltaire, France. ©pascal lecocq [br]Published in Oktopus (Russia, 2003) Inspired by a lithographie: Ouvrier plombier travaillant sur la tour Eiffel (1902) by Henri Rivière (1864-1...
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Pascal LecocqArtist (5)
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  1. Not everyone can fully appreciate the beauty and message that the artist conveys in this oil painting. That is what helps PolyTrack attract everyone's attention.