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by Charles de La Fosse
Venus asks Vulcan to forge Aeneas' armour. 1694
Moses saved from the waters 1701
Christ and the Pilgrims of Emmaus 1700
Suzanne et les vieillards 1716
La Duchesse de La Ferté with the Duc de Bretagne and the... 1712
Jésus donnant les clefs à saint Pierre
The Rape of Europa
Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evang... 1590
Apollo and the Seasons
La puissance de l'homme 1852
Portrait of Jane, Countess of Harrington, with her Sons,... 1786
L'Assomption de la Vierge
La mort de Coronis, mère d'Esculape. 1850
Fantastic Ruins with Saint Augustine and the Child 1623