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by Jan van der Heyden
A View in Cologne with the Karthausekirche and St. Pantha...
The Castle of Goudestein on the Vecht 1670
View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amste... 1670
The Grounds of a Baroque Palace 1670
The Dom and Domhof, Cologne 1675
A Street in Cologne with the Unfinished Cathedral in the... 1684
View of a Monastery Garden with the Back of the St. Cecil... 1660
Exterior of a Church 1665
The church of St. Severin in Cologne in a fantasy setting 1666
The House in the Wood, The Hague, The Netherlands (Huis t... 1680
The South-West Approach to the Town of Veere with the Gro... 1665
View of Goudesteyn Castle on the Vecht 1700
The Dam in Amsterdam towards the Townhall and Nieuwe Kerk 1670
A view of a small town square with figures promenading ('... 1661