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by Johann Heinrich Füssli
Euphrosyne vor der Phantasie und der Temperantia (Mäßigke... 1799
The Oath on the Rütli 1780
Johann Heinrich Füssli im Gespräch mit dem Zürcher Histor...
Britomart Delivering Amoretta from the Enchantment of Bus...
Falstaff in the Laundry Basket 1792
Ulysse face à Charybde et Scylla. 1794
Percival Delivering Belisane from the Enchantment of Urma 1783
Head of a Damned Soul from Dante's "Inferno," (verso) 1774
Part of Diptych (right): Saint Anne holding the Virgin as... 1620
The Murder of the Princes in the Tower, King Edward V (14... 1786
Sketch for "Oath on the Rütli," Female Figure (verso) 1779
Portrait of Magdalena Hess from Zurich
Macbeth, Banquo and the Witches (from William Shakespeare... 1793
Percival Delivering Belisane from the Enchantment of Urma