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by Bartolo di Fredi
La Vierge de l'Annonciation 1350
Saint Christophe (retable de la Trinité) 1350
La Sainte Trinité (retable de la Trinité) 1350
L'Adoration des bergers 1350
Triptych: the Crucifixion; the Redeemer with Angels; Sain...
The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great 1520
Saint John the Apostle
Saint Herculanus and Saint James the Great 1502
The Papacy Offered to Saint Gregory the Great [?]
The Assumption of the Virgin with St. Thomas and Two Dono... 1390
Saint Anthony Abbot Shunning the Mass of Gold
Saint Anthony Abbot Shunning the Mass of Gold 1436
Saint Bartholomew 1480
King Tiridates before Saint Gregory the Armenian