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by Adriaen van der Werff
Portrait of Johan Versijden Iz. 1692
Portrait of a painter, with a miniature of the artist 1679
Verstoßung der Hagar 1701
The Pentecost 1711
A Couple Making Love in a Park Spied on by Children 1694
Shepherd and Shepherdess in Love 1696
Two Children playing with a Cat with a Bird in its Jaws 1678
The Sculptor's Studio 1685
Lot made drunk by his daughters (Genesis 19:33-34) 1694
Amorous couple in a park 1689
God Holds Adam and Eve Responsible 1717
Adam and Eve 1700
The church of St. Severin in Cologne in a fantasy setting 1666
A Woman reading the News in front of a Cottage