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by George Catlin
Le-sháw-loo-láh-le-hoo, Big Elk, Chief of the Skidi (Wolf... 1832
Náw-káw, Wood, Former Chief of the Tribe 1828
Crow Lodge of Twenty-five Buffalo Skins 1832
Tcha-dés-sa-ko-máh-pee, Bear's Child 1832
A Seminole Woman
Jú-ah-kís-gaw, Woman With Her Child in a Cradle 1835
Eeh-nís-kim, Crystal Stone, Wife of the Chief 1832
Mrs. Putnam Catlin (Mary "Polly" Sutton) 1825
Portrait of a Woman
Ru-ton-wee-me, Pigeon on the Wing 1844
Mún-ne-o-ye, a Woman 1832
Mrs. George Catlin (Clara Bartlett Gregory) 1828
Kay-a-gís-gis, a Young Woman 1832
Wife of Two Crows 1832