Jose Higuera

Artist (Spain)



Jose Higuera, Spanish figurative painter, was born in 1966. Since an early age he showed a defined interest in drawing and painting, being this a tendency noticed by his school teachers. Encouraged by his teachers and his family, Jose was provided of the needed material to pursue his artistic talent resulting in the fact that at the age of ten years he had already prod...



Jose Higuera uploaded the artwork P&B Shoppping by Jose Higuera

Jose Higuera uploaded the artwork plastic skin by Jose Higuera

Jose Higuera uploaded the artwork Prisoner of her own wishes by Jose Higuera

Jose Higuera followed Mel Serjeant

Jose Higuera followed Nicole Serjeant

Jose Higuera followed Jana Vodesil-Baruffi

Jose Higuera followed Danielle Reck

Jose Higuera followed Roz McQuillan

Jose Higuera followed Pennie Pomroy

Jose Higuera followed Russell Freer

Jose Higuera followed Marco Palmieri

Jose Higuera followed Wayne Haag

Jose Higuera followed Nicky Barkla

Jose Higuera followed Esther Erlich

Jose Higuera followed Paul Haggith

Jose Higuera followed Jodi Magi

Jose Higuera followed Yelena Revis

Jose Higuera followed Loui Jover

Jose Higuera added Untitled by Franciscus Joseph Octave van der Donckt to their profile