Blog posts about event

Greek pupils of the Primary School of London visit USEUM

Last week the pupils of the Primary Greek School of London were taken on a virtual tour in the World's Art Museum, USEUM, by its founder Foteini Valeonti!

Foteini Valeonti at Crowdsourcing Week Global

Crowdsourcing Week Global 2016, is the fourth annual global conference on crowd economy, offering an unparalleled view on crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and open innovation. Foteini Valeonti will be there, presenting USEUM: The Crowdsourced Museum of Art. If you are in London, don't miss it! 

USEUM Exhibition

Le Dame Art Gallery and USEUM are delighted to announce that throughout October they will host the first exhibition witnessing the collaboration between the prestigious gallery and the rapidly growing online art platform. The aim of this synergy is to bring emerging talent in the areas of painting, drawing and illustration from the Internet to the heart of the art world in London.

Call for artists: USEUM Gallery Event in London

We are proud to announce our new partnership with Le Dame Art Gallery operating between London (UK) and Capri (Italy). To celebrate our partnership we are hosting USEUM's first ever gallery event!

London-based Art Startup USEUM Reaches First Million