Art Lover
Still Life, Lilac Bouquet 1883
Lilacs and Roses 1883
Flowers in a Vase 1880
Roses dans un vase 1890
Still Life: Flowers 1885
Untitled 1864
Tulip Bouquet 1910
Two Roses on a Tablecloth
Tiges de Pivoines et Sècateur 1864
Vase of Roses 1900
Basket of Fruit
Bouquet of Chrysanthemums 1881
Roses et lilas 1882
Vase of White Lilacs and Roses 1883
Still Life with White Peonies and Other Flowers
Still Life with Flowers, Fan, and Pearls 1860
White Lilacs in a Glass Vase 1882
Lilas dans un verre 1882
Still Life with Flowers and Prickly Pears 1885
Anemones 1886
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