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by Wouterus Verschuur
Inneres eines Pferdestalles mit vier Pferden und Esel 1850
Horses in a stable 1862
Reiter mit zwei Pferden an der Tränke und Mädchen mit Pac... 1837
Stage for post-horses 1852
Brook in a forest with fishermen 1828
bed-sheets drying in a court yard 1854
Roman arch in a town 1737
Cow in a Stable 1858
St. John Baptist Preaching in a landscape 1619
Peasant woman crosing a creek in a ravine 1818
Chickens and Peacock in a Landscape 1850
at a dealer in works of art 1595
2 little angels with flowers in a landscape 1888
Dogs in a meat-shop 1903