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by Roelant Savery
Flower bouquet in a glass vase in a niche with a lizard a... 1612
Noé remerciant Dieu d'avoir sauvé la Création 1625
the paradise with Noah's arch 1650
Orpheus Charming the Animals with his Music 1627
Landscape with ruins, cattle and deer 1617
Landscape with Ruins and Animals 1621
Landscape with Lions Attacking a Cow 1628
Rocky Landscape with Animals 2000
Landscape with Ruin and Cattle near a Pond 1630
Landscape with animals and ruins 1616
Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill 1628
Venus Anadyomene 1872
Virgin and Child, with Saint Elizabeth and the Young Sain... 1510
Landscape with robbers sharing loot 1605