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by Walter Crane
A Herald of Spring 1872
The Aventine from the Palatine 1873
A Dream (Voyage de Rêve) 1902
The Roll of Fate 1882
The Fate of Persephone 1878
Cesta na věčnost (A Dream, Voyage de R-ve) 1902
The Night Before Christmas - Illustration from "Can You S... 2005
The Renaissance of Venus 1877
Antique Teddy Bears - Illustration from I Spy Christmas 1992
New Fallen Snow - Illustration from "Can You See What I S... 1999
Ornaments - Illustration from I Spy Christmas 1992
The Holly and The Ivy - Illustration from I Spy Christmas 1992
Nutcracker Sweets - Illustration from I Spy Christmas 1992
Winter Wonderland - Illustration from I Spy Christmas 1992
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