Jasper F. Cropsey at age 24 1847
Isaac Halsted Williamson (1767-1844)
James Carnahan (1775–1859), Class of 1800, President (182... 1850
John Woodhull, Class of 1766 (1744-1824)
Robert Livingston Stevens 1852
Aaron Burr Sr. (1716–1757), President (1748–57)
John [Bubenheim] Bayard (1738-1807) 1850
Richard Stockton, Class of 1779 (1764-1828)
Arnold Henry Guyot (1807-1884)
George Spafford Woodhull, Class of 1790 (1773-1834)
John Thomas Duffield (1823-1901)
The Reverend John Pierce (1773-1849) 1846
Charles Smith Olden (1799-1876) 1875
William Wirt Phillips (1796-1865) 1851
Jonathan Dickinson (1688–1747), President (1747)
William Paterson, Class of 1763 (1745-1806)
Charles Ewing, Class of 1798 (1780-1832)
John Maclean (1800–1886), Class of 1816, President (1854–... 1850
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