The Beloved (The Bride)  1865

by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Oil on Canvas [br] In order to clarify the theme of the picture, originally intended to represent Dante's Beatrice, Rossetti inscribed the frame with lines from [i]The Song of Solomon[/i] and [i]Psalm 45[/i]: My beloved is mine and I am his. (The Song of Solomon 2:16). Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine. (The Song of Solomon ...
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  1. The virgin bridesmaid in the left foreground was modelled by Ellen Smith, the woman on the right by the artist Frederick Sandys's gypsy mistress Keomi.
  2. Rossetti encountered the boy by chance at the door of a hotel and added him as an afterthought, replacing a mulatto girl.